15 Ağustos 2020 Cumartesi

Damga tarihi : 29/01/1954 Fransa 
İsviçre'de  1922 ile 1981 yılları arasında üç dilde yayın yapan dünyaca ünlü fotoğraf dergisi Camera'nın baş editörü Romeo Martinez (1911-1990)'e gönderilmiş mektup. Mektup efsanevi fotoğraf ajansı Magnum Photos'un Paris bürosundan gönderilmiştir. Magnum Photos 1947 yılında dört fotoğrafçı tarafından kurulmuştur. Bu fotoğrafçılar ; Robert CAPA, Henri Cartier-BRESSON, George RODGER, David SEYMOUR (Chim)
Date of use : 29/01/1954 France
Camera is a photography magazine that began its life in Lucerne , Switzerland,later distributed in many countries and  languages. ( The publish years 1922-1981 ) The magazine grew to its greatest international influence towards in latter half of its life of sixty years. Romeo Martinez ( 1911-1990 ) He was born in 1911. He studied ,Turkey,Spain,Belgium and Italy. He is also the creator of a magazine dedicated to  contemporary man, " Monsieur " ,which comes out in Switzerland since 1951and since 1953 he directed "Camera " for which until 1964, he was the editor in chief and from 1966 to 1975 co-editor. He died in 1990. Magnum photos , the world's most prestigious photographic agency, was formed in 1947 by four photographers Robert CAPA, Henri Cartier-BRESSON, George RODGER, David SEYMOUR (Chim)

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