15 Temmuz 2023 Cumartesi

Damga tarihi : 1909 Portekiz
Jules Richard-Paris adına gönderilmiş posta kartı. Jules Richard (1848-1930) Fransız işadamı,fotoğrafçı ve  enstrüman yapımcısıdır.Özellikle Verascope ve Glyphoscope stereographic kameraların ve aynı zamanda Taxiphote steorafik görüntüleyicinin mucididir.
Date of use : 1909 Portugal
Business stationery, postcard.The letter was addressed Jules Richard.Jules Richard (1848 -1930) was a French photographer, businessman and instrument maker.  Richard was the inventor and manufacturer of the Verascope and Glyphoscope stereographic cameras, and also the Taxiphote stereographic viewer.

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